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Magic Spell

I love words. They are magical, and powerful. I love how when placed together they weave beautiful stories, and meaningful thoughts are put out into the world. You can spin them into a story of mystery or romance, you can weave them together with music and you are instantly transported. A song comes on and you are transported back to one single moment in time. Music is the best time machine ever made. Words can inspire and empower. They can be used as weapons, or antidotes. They are both the illness and the cure. Magic! I like understanding words. What they mean, how they are used, but mostly, how they make me feel. That is the real power in words. They make you feel something. Feeling “somethings” can be hard, because some of those feelings are painful, or hurtful but if it doesn’t ever hurt, how do you know it is unhealthy? The hurt is what should trigger you to heal. The pain says it is time to heal the wound…so the hurt is needed. Most of what I feel when I tap into the magic of words, is magic. I have a few words that play through my head every day. I mean EVERY single day. I use these words. I cast their spells out into the world. We can all use some magic right now, so I wanted to share them with you and give you complete and total permission to use these magic spells in your own life.

The first word I discussed on my FB page. It is my word for this year: Serendipity. I love this word. Just saying it feels like you are sprinkling pixie dust out over the world. It is a fun word, but it is a magic word for sure. It means to be surprised by an occurrence because the outcome was beneficial and happy. A stroke of luck you may say. Magic, really. That is what I hear, serendipity is magic. It is expecting the ordinary and being happy with that…but the universe instead giving you the extraordinary! You are walking through your day, happy with the small blessings around you and God throws in a rainbow and a butterfly. Such simple things, but they are not what you expected, so they become special little moments. I live my life this way. Ask my boys, they say they think it is silly, but I know secretly they love that I am the way I am. I am always in awe of the sky, the birds, the flowers, someone’s hair, or their shoes. I am in love with every moment. Because…. why not be? But looking for serendipity is a new thing for me. I have always tried to be positive. I have learned to redirect my mindset to something more positive by being aware of what I am feeling (magic!) but being aware of serendipity is new for me. I am a bit controlling in my life by nature. I think I know the right way and I think others should think it is the right way as well. HAHA but as I am trying to release some of that control over to God, I have had to learn to look for the magic, not just in the ordinary moments, but in the bad ones. That can be hard. If it isn’t going my way, I often think it is going wrong…. but that is just not true, so looking for the magic when it does go wrong (but was really going right) has helped propel me into a realm beyond the 3d way of seeing things.

"The effect by which one accidentally stumbles upon something truly wonderful, especially while looking for something entirely unrelated."

Another word that I LOVE using in my life. I use it a lot, it is Honor. This word is so powerful! To honor something means to hold it is a sacred place. To respect it and to keep value in it as a whole. I feel like I have always been an honorable person, but the word did not become powerful in my life until I asked for a divorce. At that point in my life, I didn’t really know how to honor myself. I knew how to honor being a wife and a mother. I did those things very well and honored my marriage right up until the end. I honor my kids by being the best mother I can. I honor them by showing up in the ways they need me too and burning their pancakes on a Saturday morning. Honoring others has never been my problem though. It was honoring myself that I didn’t know how to do. As a young lady I didn’t honor who I was. I consistently looked outside of myself for validation and love. I didn’t even know what to ask for from others, because I didn’t even know what I needed. I just kept trying to make everyone else happy and lost myself along the way. When I got married, I moved right into honoring my husband and his career. Honoring his needs and his wants. I then became a mother and once again whoever I was just got pushed further and further back. There was a point in time, not that long ago, where I had not a clue who I even was, much less how to honor her. I have put a lot on work into learning how to honor myself, and I am going to just give you a few ways that have worked for me. I hope they help you too.

Honor where you are in your life! This says “respect” where you are. We are not always where we want to be. Why would we ever move if we were always where we wanted to be? We need to be places where it hurts, in order to understand we need to move. Like a hand on a flame, without the trigger of pain, how long would we hold our hand over the flame? Honor this place, know it is not forever. That helps you soak in what it is. Honor sitting in the pain for a while, let the lesson sink in. Let the pain teach you what you do not want to feel, and then honor making better choices. Ones that instead lead you to a better place.

Honor your body! This says “respect” your body. Respect it even if it is fat, sick, addicted, dying, being abused. Honor what it is doing to protect you. Honor what it is trying to do to convince you to move! It is holding it all together. Honor that. Honor who you let touch you. Make sure those that you are letting inside you are honorable. Make sure their energy is good. A toxic relationship will send you into immune issues and choric fatigue. Honor how you care for yourself. Moisturize and cleanse. Be touch by hands that heal, not those that take. Honor your own energy and do not allow others to steal from you. Demand to be filled in the same way you pour. Honor walking away from those that do not value you. Look in the mirror and find every fucking flaw and tell it you love it! Find the scars, and caress them with love. Honor who you are in this life, because you are so special!

Honor your relationships. This means show up for those relationships with respect. Treat others how you want them to treat you. Do not bad mouth others, speak highly of them and empower them. Do not be jealous of others and their success. You have your own blessings, honor those. By putting aside jealousy and instead honoring those beautiful things you see in others, you get to borrow from that energy. It is by the law of nature. That which you put out will come back to you. So, when you see something someone else has, and you want it…. honor it. Respect that they were able to harness it. Honor that someone holds this beautiful quality in them…and you can borrow from it. Magic! When I see a smoking hot woman winning at life, I send her good vibes, and pray that all the good keeps finding her. Now she is protected and so am I.

Another word I want to tell you about. It is by far my favorite word to say. It is weaved into each, and every part of my day and I probably say it more than honor…it is gratitude! The quality of being thankful! How beautiful is that? I probably mutter prayers of gratitude more than cuss words, and we all know how much I cuss. Haha In order to ever see blessings in your life, you must first be able to identify what your blessings are. This can feel overwhelming because let’s be honest, life is hard as fuck! Everyone is struggling, the economy sucks, and people are overworked and under paid, so they are angry and bitter. Everyone is mad at everyone else, and we all just want to be seen and heard. Knowing all this and know how hard the last few years have been always confused me a bit because the last two years of my life have been the best ones yet. Sure, all that stuff has affected my life. I have also dealt with illness, and divorce…. but all I have been focused on was the blessings. I see the parts that suck, of course I do. I have had a hell of a time trying to figure all this out. How to find a balance of being a momma and also trying to be Staci. I have walked away from a very privileged life and am trying to figure out how to support me and the boys. I have fought illness and depression. I battle anxiety on the daily. I have lost friends I considered family and family I considered friends. Life is hard, I am never saying it isn’t. It is not fair, and it holds back no punches, most punches are delivered to the gut and leave you trying to catch your breath for what seems like an eternity…. but there is beauty in those things too. There are blessings there too. I actually believe that is where most of our blessing lie, in the struggles. I think finding gratitude for those hard things, builds more character and hence, it helps you hold yourself in an honorable place. You see what you have overcome, that is a blessing. You become aware of your strength, and you become stronger. Holding gratitude for all the moments, allow all the moments to become blessings, even the ones that suck. Holding gratitude for people in your life, even the difficult ones, even the ones that no longer hold a place in your life. Allows their presence in your life to be a blessing instead of a bad thing.

"Gratitude - I am grateful that I am in Divine flow with life. I know that universal energy pours through me and supports me in every moment."

The last word I want to share is connection. This was my word for last year. I seriously dived so deep into connecting, not just with people but with moments, with myself. I connected to nature. I connected to God. I called the archangels into my life and connected to their gifts. I connected to my clients and to my coworkers. I checked in with people I love, and I sent gifts and prayers. I would connect to their energy and send them healing thoughts. I would sprinkle white light down on their families and I would focus on connecting to their minds. Sending gratitude and honor to them. Raining down on them with love. I connected to music, yoga and the ocean. I embraced school with the wonder of Alice in Wonderland. I connected to the pain from my past and the joy in my future. I connected with my kids. We shut down the phones and we talk. We play football (throw the ball and go get it…that is what we like to call it.) I connected to myself, in her most natural form. I asked her to connect to what grace feels like. I asked her to connect to the power of a relationship with the very creator of the entire universe. I connected to God, as a daughter to a father and as a friend to a friend. I connected to a relationship with God knowing He is the only one that can love me fully. I connected to my sensuality and my sexuality. I connected to my gifts and to my purpose. Connecting to all of the ways in which I needed to heal. Connecting to the little girl who was so lost and asking her to be strong. Connecting to all the pain, while waiting for the serendipity. Connecting is awareness…. awareness for now. Just right this second, connecting to what it is now, so you can honor what it was. Connecting to what it is now, so you can have gratitude for all it can become. Serendipity!

"We don't heal in isolation but in connection."

SO many magic spells laid out in front of you today. Magic spells hidden in small words, sprinkled throughout your life. All you have to do is speak to them into power. Speak these magical words into your life. Use them in your prayers and mantras. Write them on pieces of paper and stick them where you need to see them. Say them in the morning and whisper them at night. Do so with intention. Stop and really feel the power of how this word can change your life. Where do you need to find gratitude? Where is the honor you hold lacking? Where could you use some magic, some serendipity? Find a way to connect and plug in. Which relationships need to be honored by your presence and which need to be honored by walking away? Honoring your life, and your relationships. Finding gratitude for all the things. Connecting to spirit and nature. These kinds of magic spells will automatically produce serendipity. Sprinkle in some faith and grace….and watch your life change in front of your very eyes. So many beautiful words out there, find yours and speak their power into your life.


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