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Energy Never Lies - People Do

I read energy, it is what I do. I can tell when people’s energy is saying something different than their words. I can feel a shift in their hello, and discomfort in their mind. I use to see this type of communication as a negative thing, because feeling what others feel can be exhausting. Like, really tapping into that form of connection, it can be a lot. I feel like all of us have this ability to communicate energetically. It isn’t a “special” thing about me, although it is a special thing. It is a form of communication that many just choose NOT to tap into. It is beyond a 3d way of thinking and most are not ready. It took me a long time and a lot of disappointment to learn how to properly use it as a gift. To ground into my own energy as much as possible to counteract everyone else’s. It took me learning to meditate and be still enough to separate their energy from my own. Energy is a bit wild in its ways of “talking” and if you do not control your own mind, the energy that you feel around you becomes a part of your own, so you walk around feeling all this negative shit and apply it to your own life. When in fact, it is not yours to carry, but instead just to observe.

"The true purpose is to see things as they are, to observe things as they are, and to let everything go as it goes. - Sjunryu Suzuki

There are many ways we communicate who we are to others, but probably the most popular is through words. People tell you things, and you tell them stuff. They tell you who they think they are, often times by telling you things they do, or do not do. Maybe things they like to eat, or music they like. Words are a VERY powerful way of communicating who you are. Magic spells are chanted with words. Prayers are murmured in our weakest times with the power of words. We have the ability to lift others up with our words, and unfortunately we can knock them down as well. Choose accordingly though, because words are very powerful. Each one spoken sends a bit of energy out into the world. So when all your words are said in a way that is demeaning to others, or said with ill will towards others, you are casting your own kind of magic spell, and its name is karma. When your magic spell is heavy with judgement and ridicule for the way another lives that is a dark kind of magic. The problem with that is those words that you put out are not harmful to another, because like with energy communication, another’s words cannot cast a spell over you as long as you choose not to carry them. No, that dark kind of magic is cast by you, and cast onto you. Words are powerful, so they hold energy, and the energy you put out will ALWAYS be returned to you.

That is some powerful shit….words are powerful as hell. But, they really hold no power at all if there isn’t some action behind them. Often people have no power behind their words, because their actions say different than their words. Their words are really just regurgitated bullshit. If you watch you will see them all around you. They say one thing, but their actions clearly tell you another thing. They claim they are honorable, and yet they steal and lie. They claim to be kind, and yet they operate from a place of anger and resentments. They claim to love, and then show no empathy or compassion to those they claimed love for. These kind of people will taut their “truth,” which is really just their opinion, and serve it to you as facts. Their actions, no matter how kind they seem, are dripping with the intention of harm.

"You give them a taste of their own medicine and they tell everyone you poisoned them."

So, just to do a check in, words are powerful things to be used for both good and evil. Words can be spun together to help us feel things. They make us laugh, and they tell us stories of magical places and takes us back to times since past. Words are beautiful and poetic, but words have no power without action behind them. Actions can be used for both good and evil, if in fact, the actions are different than the words. If you portray yourself as a good person, and manipulate someone with that kindness, only to be planning to use that kindness to cause harm to that person…..that is the darkest kind of magic in my opinion. Often when another is needing acts of kindness in their life, they are at a point where life is feeling rough. They are asking for your help because they NEED help, then you help them and go mark the tally in your notebook. You offer to help, and then you go put a price tag on that good deed. Marking up your points. Fixing the books. You reach out as if you are a friend, but the words and actions, both of which are kind, and filled with ill intentions. You are being kind, because it serves you!

This is why actions and words can be hard to trust in the form of connection or communication. You cannot get a full feel for who someone is because often times they hide behind nice words, AND nice actions, but both are manipulated so to only serve them. This takes every ounce of kindness out of their good deeds. This action holds energy though, make no doubt about it. If you are an intuitive person, if you learn to read energy….they will NEVER be able to manipulate you, because you can READ that the energy of the words, and the energy of the action do not match their intentions. You will take their nice words and their good deeds, and you will use it to propel yourself forward, while they live in a world that requires documentation of all the things. Sooner or later truth becomes truth. The tally marks are counted and they are ready to collect the debt. They want you to pay them back for everything they have done for you. They use the manipulated information to try to break you. They remind you how much they “loved” you and all the things they did to prove it. They show you the manipulated numbers and the good deeds start to show themselves as nothing more than a way to keep good face. All the while plotting to make you hurt. When people use this way of communicating who they are, it is painful to say the least.

It makes you question everything you ever knew about them. All the things they did for you that once felt like a blessing can start to feel like a curse. Whenever you are around these people you wonder if they are being honest. Whenever they are nice to you, you wonder if it is genuine. If they are doing something that seems safe and welcoming, it is probably not real. Here is the kicker about words and actions matching, but their intentions saying something else, that also send out an energy and I can feel it. I KNOW what you are doing!!!!! Here is how you win against a person like this, you simply do not give a shit! LOL Take their goodness and use it to thrive…..let them keep score. Let them put down the tally marks and add up everything you owe them. That is their energy to carry not yours. Your energy to carry is how you respond to both the good deeds, and the reveal of the intentions behind them. Your energy is based off of how you respond, theirs is based off of how they do. So respond with gratitude, and respond with love. What is meant for you, the truth that is yours, will always find its way to the surface.

"The only way to win with a toxic person, is to not play"

Patterns are another really good way of someone telling you who they are. Watch their patterns, they do not lie. The problem with this is it also leaves you vulnerable because patterns may take time to develop and here you are twenty years down the road wondering if you ever really knew this person. The patterns are not shown until the final act, so you have endured years of mental abuse and mental warfare trying to keep up with what you owed. You have to earn the love of these people, which is why they keep score. It is to remind you over and over how you are not enough. You need to pay more. You need to repay me for being nice to you. They ask you to earn their love and they draw their line, except it is drawn with chalk and as soon as you get close enough they wipe it away and draw a new one. Dealing with these types of people is exhausting. They do something nice, and instead of feeling happy that they did something nice, you sit and wonder how they will use it against you in the future. They do something that makes you feel loved or cared for, but in the back of your head you are wondering how it serves them. How it will be manipulated later to make you look bad. It is a literal energy suck!!! You are waiting until the day they come to collect on the debit.

"Manipulation is when they blame you for your reaction to their disrespect."

Connection as a whole is exhausting. Trying to figure out if people’s words have power behind them, or if they are all talk. Trying to deduce if their actions match their words…and worst yet, does the intentions behind those words and actions hold true love for you or is it a self-serving kind of love? But if you are dealing with people who manipulate their connection, it is trauma. It is literal trauma. The mental stress that comes from living like that is overwhelming, and it is abusive. I will say this though, the best way to survive dealing with that kind of person is to learn to read their energy! How do you do that? I am glad you asked! Lol All of these ways we have discussed about how someone can communicate to you who they are, are all about them. They get to tell you things, they get to do things for you, and they get to figure out what their intentions are…..we need to take back control. All of those things are about THEM! If we can change the source from them to us, we give ourselves some power in truly understanding who this person is. You do that by controlling your mind. Energy is not read in the same way as all these others things. Most cannot see energy. Most do not hear energy talking to them, they use their intuition!

"There is a voice that knows the answer before you even ask the question."

I think we have been taught for a long time to not feel! We have been asked to turn down what we feel because what you feel is just an emotion. But those emotions, those feelings are your intuition. Does it make them “facts” nope, not at all…but I do believe if I am feeling in danger, I need to act on that feeling and make myself safer. If I am feeling sad, I need to figure out what is making me feel that. If I feel something “off” about someone, I do not ignore that. There is a reason the body is feeling that. Do I think we need to take those feelings and always act on them? Absolutely not, but how do you even know if you never explore what you are feeling. Feelings are so important in learning to connect fully to energy. Pay attention to your body. It is sending you signals all the time. Which is also true for other people’s bodies! They are also always sending signals. You can totally tell if someone is scared or nervous by their energy. You can read their energy by the signals their body is sending. If their intentions do not match their actions/words, their body will be sending that out. The body does not want to live off balanced like that, it seeks out peace. It craves balance within, so if they are not living a balanced life, their body will tell you.

The tricky part about reading energy or connecting to others energy is that you need to know the difference between their energy, and your own. We are not sent here to intervene in another’s life. We are here to work in our own life, and through that impact others. We are here to observe others energy, but we are not here to change their energy. If we do choose to manipulate another’s energy, it should only be used in the most healing ways. This is why massage is so special to me. I get to not only observe another’s energy, but I get to manipulate it for their wellness. How cool is that. I speak to their muscles, I speak to their chakras. I give their body thanks, and I cleanse it for them. I do not cleanse it by taking it into me, instead I ask it to seek balance, and I give it gratitude for being such a badass. I ask the body to release the good stuff that can help clean their energy. My clients come in and they tell me what they do, they tell me what hurts, they tell me about their stresses, but it is the body that really tells you what you need to know…..this is true in life as well. The body will always tell you the truth. Trust it!

"I do not allow others to influence my thinking unless it is positive or uplifting." - Louise Hay

In closing I want to say this, connection is intense. Connecting to another through energy can be both beautiful and draining. But I promise you, if you start using this skill it will change your life. You will get to be freer in your mind because you will not have to stop and wonder if another is who they really say they are, you will just know. Then starts the hardest part of reading energy, how do you respond? Once you know they are not who they say they are, once you realize they are manipulating who they pretend to be, what do you do? My personal advice is you pray for them. I imagine that is a dark and sad place to live, then you walk away. Put people like that out of your life. I do not care who they are…..they do not deserve a place in your good energy if they are trying to manipulate it for their own selfish purpose. Last, but the most important thing to do, is focus on your own energy, and let it shine. We are only ever in control of ourselves. We do not get to control another, and we do not get to decided how they behave. We do not get to make people do things we want them to do, but we sure enough get to decide for ourselves what is acceptable. Fake, shit energy has no place in my life. It is not my job to fix your energy, it is your responsibility to walk in a balanced life, and control your own. But I promise I will protect my energy from being intertwined with negative, manipulative energy for sure. I do not have the time….I have shit to do!


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