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Color Outside your Lines

I try to avoid talking to people about the hot topic issues. Many of the ways people feel are based on the perspective they have lived. Some will never see it any other way and I really feel like it is useless to argue about those things. Many of these topics also hold a lot of emotions in them. Abortion is one of those topics, or COVID. When feelings get involved you are even less likely to change someone’s perspective. For me a lot of these issues are very personal. I view them in a very personal way and that will always effect how I see them. I refuse to let anyone govern over my PERSONAL BODY! This is mine! I may not own anything else but you can bet your ass, I own this body and I will not let someone else tell me what to do with it, especially 70 year old men who hold very little reality in how life is for women.

"Your body is the house you grew up in, how dare they try to burn it to the ground!"

It is a problem, and not just when we talk about medical freedom, it is always a problem if someone other than ME thinks they can tell ME what to do with MY body!!!! This problem started for women a long time ago, when men decided what made women sexy, and what made them “good wives” (have you read those old articles? Clearly written by a man!! Lol) We allowed society to tell women they could not age, or get fat, or get depressed. We had to always want to hang out with our children and do dishes. We should want to cook and clean…AND have a thriving career that brings financial support to the family. Don’t forget to be pretty the whole time and be prepared to have sex whenever it is requested. We should just shut up and color….well bitch, I color outside the lines so fuck off!

"...and I hate how you made me question myself when the problem was you all along." - a.s

I am angry! They have made the idea of happiness out of reach. They have designed it that way. They get richer and more powerful, while feeding us what “the good life” looks like….and then making that good life completely UNABTAINABLE!!!! They have shown us all the “things” we need to be “happy” and then they put is JUST out of reach. Keeps us driving forward to catch the unattainable dream. They show us the “pretty” images of people and places. They advertise all the ways to be happy and none of it actually makes anyone happy. Just more things. Just more filters. Just more lies. Trying to attain the unattainable. That is life for many people. Rushing to keep up in a world that had a head start. Every social system in place right now is corrupt and mishandled. This is what happens when you allow money into politics.

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are!" - Benjamin Franklin

Running for office should be free. No public air time…you get out there with your people and you network if you want a place in government! Take back what the public office should mean. These people work for us, and yet it really does not look like they are doing their jobs very well. Everything is on fire! People in China are being murdered because they are Christians. In Afghanistan they are beheading women and children. Our Earth is dying and we just keep creating more of a carbon footprint, and now space trash is one of the largest growing concerns. Why do we destroy everything, even our own bodies and minds while we try to hold unto the fleeting youth. We chase it like growing old is awful, and yet it is one of the things we all hold in common…age….death. It is the only inevitable thing you can count on. You WILL get old, and you WILL die! You know what is worse than that, some will NOT get old, but they will still die. Why not look at age as an honorable thing. Why fight it?

"Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life." - Robin Sharma

Let’s get back to the basics of what a well-balanced life is. Let’s make time for our friends, and let’s celebrate what our bodies give us. Let’s start to celebrate the fact that life is fleeting, and live each day with joy. Why keep working yourselves to death for a system that does not care for your wellness. Sure they want you alive, but do they care how you live? Nope. They really don’t. They want you alive because without you they cannot keep the system running, but they need you complacent. They need you to be content in what they do for you, so that you don’t jump out of line. They want to keep you healthy enough to work but not pay you enough to live. They want to offer health, but at what cost? You become a customer of theirs. Big Parma, with their hands in our bodies, manipulating our immune systems to stay tried and sick. Then when you feel too sick to work, and the meds they prescribe are no longer working because your body has built up an immunity to them they call you an addict. A drug seeker. You try a more natural approach and you are labeled a “trouble patient” for refusing medical treatment. All the labels. That is how they keep us manipulated…they label you as something and then they ridicule you for being “that.” Whatever label you have stuck to you….I say no more! I am done playing these games. I am me, and they don’t get to manipulate me into believing that is unworthy somehow.

Next time you feel labeled and trapped into feeling like someone else has control over who you are, or the choices you make, remember these things and center yourself back into a balanced reality….

You are going to get old, but you don’t have to hate it!

Skin folds and moves, it is DESIGNED that way!

Your skin is SUPPOSED to wrinkle there, it helps you smile!

You should have some sun damage, because you should spend time in the sun!

….yes, that can give you cancer too, everything causes cancer and nothing causes cancer.

You are going to die, so be sure to live!

You have to work, be sure you are doing something you love.

You are going to be scared, do it scared.

You have a vision, work hard to see it through.

….yes, you may be ill, but you are not your illness.

You are going to lose people you love, so love them right now!

You need to be touched, make sure it is healthy and kind.

You are allowed to walk away, and still honor what you had.

You can love them, and never speak to them again.

…yes, you can be a mother and be sexy!

You can live a big life, and still make time for the small people.

You will be challenged, and each time you will become more and more real.

You can say how you feel, and not feel guilty.

You can speak your truth, and still honor the truths of others.

….yes, there is not enough hours in the day, make time for your friends anyways.

You will always be discussed, make sure you give them something to talk about.

You will never be their favorite, but you are not a flavor of ice cream, so it is ok!

You will always be tired, so do things that fill your spirit.

You can meditate or pray, God will hear both.

….yes, this IS the sign you were looking for.

You can do scary stuff and still be scared to do it again.

You will never “be” happy until you decide to be.

You can lead a horse to water, but why not just let the horse be free?

You can be free to choose, but you are never free from your choices.

….yes, you are loved, you just look for it in the ones that cannot give it to you.

You cannot save them, you can only save yourself from them.

You will never make them happy, but you can choose happiness for yourself.

You cannot thrive from a place of content, you must always strive for more.

You cannot fail, if you tried your best, you can just get better.

…yes, you are pretty, right now.

You are valuable because you have value, not because of what you give.

You deserve to be loved, even if you made mistakes in the past.

You are an inspiration to someone, just ask me how I know.

You cannot love someone into loving you.

….yes, life is beautiful, but it is a collateral kind of beauty.

"Positivity isn't standing in the rain and saying it isn't raining, it is about finding the silver linings in the clouds."

I could go on and on……balance. Sure there are bad things. There are bad people. There are people that do not have your best interest in mind….don’t be one of those people. Be your own cheering section. Remember to give yourself grace, and also follow your instincts. Know when it is time to stand up for yourself and know when it is right to walk away. They think they are in control…..but that is not true. They have just designed a system to make us feel that way. When we break away from that, we can really start to live. I for one never want to be trapped in a system that does not honor MY body. My age. My gender. My sexuality. My faith. My truths. My visions. My accomplishments. My goals. I believe it is up to each of us to honor ourselves, so when someone else doesn’t we can easily identify the problem and fix it….by walking away from it, or changing it from the inside out. It is time to decide which you will do.

"Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. - Dolly Parton


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